About The Book

Smart Compassion by Wesley Furlong

Want to make a difference but not sure how?Screen-Shot-2016-11-07-at-2.22.43-PM-copy-733x1024

Do you wonder if there are better ways to use your time and resources to help your community flourish?

Knowledge is essential when we’re working for real change.

In Smart Compassion, you will discover strategic, prayerful, and biblically-based approaches to Christian compassion and community flourishing. Smart Compassion is for anyone asking the question, “How do I make a difference in our community?”

Don’t guess when clarity is possible.

Take a significant step toward smart compassion with community mapping.

We offer a full array of services from community mapping, data analysis and micro-targeting, customized surveys, program evaluations, and data visualization.

Is your community’s access to quality early childhood education adequate for the number of children? 

How does your community’s access to primary and mental health compare to others around the state?

How many kids are in foster care? Available for adoption? 

How many households are below the poverty line and where are they clustered? 

Knowledge makes a difference!



“Don’t read Smart Compassion if you want your church to remain safe and comfortable. Read it if you want to fully immerse yourself in God’s plan for mercy, justice, and healing in your neighborhood.”
-John M. Perkins, minister and bestselling author


“Love your neighbor: Jesus’ simple command can take a lifetime to master. While there is no shortage of resources for Christians and churches about living out this command, I’m grateful for guidance that emphasizes relationships and incarnational ministry. That’s what you get with Wesley Furlong’s book: a smart approach to compassion that comes with a lot of heart.”
-Richard Sterns, president of World Vision U.S. and author of The Hole in Our Gospel


“Built on important and well-recognized principles and full of helpful examples, Smart Compassion provides pathways and inspirations to move us to be with and walk with people. The reader will appreciate being moved beyond doing acts of charity to actions that draw us into entering into the lives of others in tangible ways. Read Smart Compassion and you will be ready to answer its call to start waging shalom.”
-Steve Corbett, coauthor of When Helping Hurts


“If you want to make a difference in your community, you need to read this book. Wesley Furlong is unique in that he is both a thought leader and a practitioner. Smart Compassion is full of tools that will help you make a lasting impact.”
-Dave Runyon, coauthor of The Art of Neighboring


“One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to engaging needs of the people around us. Wesley Furlong’s work gives practical advice on how to customize your response appropriately so that people are genuinely helped. This insight will both free and fire you up! Your community will be glad you read this book!”
-Reggie McNeal, author of Missional Renaissance and Kingdom Come


“We are called to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength-but too often, we forget to engage our minds. Wesley Furlong’s new book is sobering and enlightening, a call to cultivate love and justice as we actively love our neighbors. Ultimately, Smart Compassion teaches us to love as Christ has loved us, bringing holistic transformation to our hearts and our minds.”
-Peter Greer, president and CEO of HOPE International and coauthor of Mission Drift