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facing fear

Blog, Featured Posts, Transition Well

A Dream Worth Pursuing (or Before you Kill the Vision)

January 7, 2016

Do you have a dream on the bubble? Do you see the potential but not sure it’s worth the risk? One thing is certain: if your dream has a chance, you’ll need to eradicate disordered fear from your life. Most of our emotional, spiritual, and mental struggles are rooted in disordered fear.

There’s a children’s book called, “What Do You Do With An Idea?” that deals with the delicate nature of beautiful visions. A young boy is confronted by “an idea”… Continue Reading…

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Blog, Transition Well

Crossing the Border

January 1, 2016

“This could go terribly wrong.” Every faith journey comes with freak-out moments where the familiarity of the present feels far more appealing than the uncertainty of what lies ahead. In the days leading up to our transition, I turned deeply introspective and thought, “What if our kids hate the area?” “What if the job doesn’t work out like I hope?” “What if this is that moment in the film when everyone gasps and thinks, “Why would he go through that door!?” Continue Reading…

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